Pro Wrestling Resource Pages

The 1994 WWF Royal Rumble..."30 Participants…In Your Living Room!" [Videos]

Beginning in 1988, the company formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) began to hold an annual Royal Rumble match. The match involved 30 professional wresters entering the ring at timed intervals until one participant remained and was declared the victor. According to WWF ring announcer Howard Finkel, the rules for the 1994 Royal Rumble were as follows:

"Earlier today, the 30 participants who entered [the Royal Rumble] drew numbers at random, and in just a few moments, we will see numbers 1 and 2 enter. And then every 1 1/2 minutes thereafter, the other participants will enter according to the numbers they drew. Remember in the Royal Rumble, it is every man for himself, no friends, only foes. Elimination occurs at anytime when a Superstar is thrown out over the top rope and onto the floor. The one man remaining in the ring after all 30 participants have entered, will be declared the winner of the Royal Rumble."

As a reminder, the 1994 Royal Rumble, held on Saturday, January 22, 1994, can be watched in HD on the WWE Network.

Royal Rumble Match - Part 1
(Participants include: Scott Steiner, Samu, Rick Steiner, Kwang, Owen Hart, Bart Gunn )

Royal Rumble Match - 2
(Diesel eliminates seven Royal Rumble participants)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 3
(Macho Man Randy Savage appears)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 4
(Shawn Michaels enters; Diesel eliminated)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 5
(Bret Hart enters the match)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 6
(Adam Bomb enters as Number 30; Adam Bomb eliminated)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 7
(The Final Four: Shawn Michaels, Lex Lugar, Bret Hart, Fatu)

Royal Rumble Match - Part 8
(And the winner of the match is...)

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