Pro Wrestling Resource Pages

ESPN Radio: Ric Flair Interview [August 2010]

SportCenter's Robert Flores interviews Ric Flair on a variety of topics on the ESPN show, Let It Flo.

Part I                                                                            Part II

Part III

Source:, show recorded at ESPN radio studios in Bristol, CT.

New WWE Tag Team Championship Belts [Video]

Image: © WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

On the August 16, 2010 edition of Raw, the Unified titles were retired into a new WWE Tag Team Championship with new belts presented by Bret "Hit Man" Hart to The Hart Dynasty.

The retirement of the World Tag Team Championship Belts ended the title belts which had lasted within the company for over 39 years. First established as the WWWF World Tag Team Championship title in 1971, the former belts were held by such teams as Demolition, The Valient Brothers, The British Bulldogs, The Hart Foundation, The Wild Samoans, The New Age Outlaws, The Dudley Boyz, The Legion of Doom, The Quebecers, Strike Force, The Smoking Guns, and Money, Inc. 

ESPN Radio: Shawn Michaels Interview [Updated Video]

Friday, August 13, 2010
Bill Simmons talks with former WWE wrestler Shawn Michaels about his retirement, losing his last match, his faith, how he changed over the years, the upcoming SummerSlam and more.

Former WWE wrestler Lance Cade dies at 29

 Lance Cade (real name: Lance McNaught) was released from World Wrestling Entertainment in April 2010. WWE was informed Friday, August 13, 2010 that Cade had passed away of apparent heart failure.

Cade left behind two daughters and one step-son.

Cade was a three-time WWE World Tag Team Champion, and a former one-time TWA Television Champion in the Texas Wrestling Alliance.

Sources: and Wrestling Information Archive
 Image: © WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Linda McMahon, former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, wins Senate Primary

"The support of the voters of Connecticut isn't bestowed by the establishment or the pundits or the media. It isn't a birthright," she told cheering supporters after her victory was sealed. "It can't be bought, it needs to be earned. And tonight I am humbled to have earned your support." --Linda McMahon

"It’s hard to imagine the hatred voters must harbor toward Washington to make McMahon a viable candidate. For the Republican Party, which stokes that hatred, no imagination is needed." --Margaret Carlson, a Bloomberg News opinion columnist 
