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The Captivating Career of... Flair, Hart, Savage, Andre, Michaels, The Undertaker, Austin, The Rock, Angle, and Guerrero [Videos]

Cultaholic is an entertainment/video production organization based out of Newcastle, England with a primary focus on professional wrestling. In late 2017, Cultaholic launched a YouTube channel along with a website that featured their original content. The Cultaholic crew has been recognized for its extensive knowledge regarding professional wrestling, as well as their excellent production value.

Below are some of their videos featuring a retrospective look at some of the most popular wrestlers in history.

Ric Flair

"To be the man, you've gotta beat the man." To varying degrees, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair was the man throughout his distinguished and illustrious career...

Bret Hart

"It was the sagely Gorilla Monsoon that coined the nickname, "The Excellence of Execution" for Bret Hart, and while "The Hitman" is a wonderfully-concise descriptor for Hart, Monsoon's declaration is perhaps more fitting. Nearly 20 years have passed since Bret Hart took to the ring as a full-time wrestler, and while we've seen wrestlers since perform rather marvelously between the ropes, few have ever matched Hart's combined offering of timing, psychology, realism, precision, and grittiness. Bret Hart was a champion for many reasons, valued for his earnestness and work ethic, beloved for his understated heroics, and legendary for his innate ability to always rise to the occasion."

'Macho Man' Randy Savage

"The confident flamboyance, gravelly baritone, and acidic ramblings of Macho Man Randy Savage have lent themselves well to parody and imitation. Even if our voices creak and crack as we attempt our own Macho monologues, we can't help but try and channel the spirit of pro wrestling's most colorful paradox - the eloquent madman, the untamed animal that could wax philosophically before clawing your eyes out. Through the decades, we saw many shades of Randy Savage, from chauvinistic villain to virtuous hero to enthusiastic meat snack pitchman. But what we also saw was the gifted athlete and orator who was the only man capable of doing his unique version of justice to each of those roles..."

Andre the Giant

"To be billed as standing seven feet four inches tall and weighing in excess of a quarter ton is to be lent out for comparisons. As far as professional wrestling is concerned, 'Andre the Giant' was and still is, the measuring stick for every subsequent monster that has attempted to walk in his chasmic footprints. We marvel at his astonishing acreage, yet Andre defied measurement."

Shawn Michaels 

"For many years, Shawn Michaels would brashly let us all know just who WWE's unquestioned showstopper really was. Even if you detested Michaels with every fiber of your being, you had to come to the same conclusion as the most dedicated of HBK boosters: "The Heartbreak Kid" truly was the greatest at what he did. No wrestler before or since has displayed his particular blend of technique, charisma, selling, timing, athleticism, and rare intangibles. You don't earn the name "Mr. WrestleMania" without excelling on the largest stage time and time again, and no wrestler would do so as consistently, and with as much gusto, as Shawn Michaels."

The Undertaker

"For nearly three decades, The Undertaker has cast an enormous shadow over the WWE landscape, presiding at different times as its Frankenstein's monster, its Batman, its Satan incarnate, and its Clint Eastwood, sometimes a combination of those four archetypes. No professional wrestler has ever had such a continuous presence in McMahon-centric sports entertainment quite like the everpresent "Phenom", nor will any other wrestler likely match up to his awing longevity..."

Stone Cold Steve Austin

"His in-ring career lasted a mere 13 and a half years, spanning from September 1989 to March 2003. And yet, it feels like Stone Cold Steve Austin's time as a transcendent and influential star in professional wrestling has been eternal. More than 20 years have passed since that first tidal wave of celebratory beers, middle fingers, flagrant law-breaking, and Whoop-Ass cans by the boatload, and yet it still feels like at any moment, the glass can shatter, and all Hell could be on the verge of breaking loose. In less than 14 years as an active wrestler, Steve Austin carved out a legacy that has spawned inspiration and imitation, but never once duplication."

The Rock

"Kids, teens, and adults alike will attest to his one-in-a-trillion cool factor that facilitates his otherworldly success. And yet, he's the same guy that used to tepidly execute outdated babyface offense before disinterested crowds in 1997. Yes, that was Rocky Maivia and not The Rock, but c'mon - what are the odds that such a basic, blandly-presented wrestler would one day become the modern-day King of All Media and Multimedia?"

Kurt Angle

"Olympic gold medallist Kurt Angle."

Eddie Guerrero

"It's truly special to witness a figure that can inspire and astound you for their performances as they do in their mild-mannered real life. If the only Eddie Guerrero we ever knew was the remarkable athlete whose appealing underhandedness and raw emotion artfully enhanced his razor-sharp wrestling, we'd have been privileged enough. But to see that same man be written off and forsaken due to his overwhelming demons, only to valiantly, and sincerely, turn his life around for the better, is to find that achievement greater than any of his working exploits. The man that was known as "Latino Heat" touched the hearts of millions, in both well-crafted fiction, and stark reality."

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