Pro Wrestling Resource Pages

15 Longest Intercontinental Championship Combined Reigns...(Post 1983)

As of February 22, 2009. 1. The Honky Tonk Man, 454 days 2. Tito Santana, 443 combined days 3. Razor Ramon, 438 combined days 4. The Ultimate Warrior, 432 combined days 5. Randy Savage, 414 days 6. "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig, 406 combined days 7. Shawn Michaels, 406 combined days 8. Shelton Benjamin, 354 combined days 9. The Rock, 339 combined days 10. Jeff Hardy, 329 combined days 11. Chris Jericho, 297 combined days 12. Bret Hart, 290 combined days 13. Jeff Jarrett, 290 combined days 14. Greg Valentine, 285 days 15. Rob Van Dam, 211 combined days

1 comment:

  1. The Honky Tonk Man was one of the best heels ever!
